Virtual college tours and interactive college maps for thousands of colleges.
College search engine that allows students to narrow down their search from a database of over 3900 colleges and universities.
A guide to where current college students provide you with an insider’s view of their school using written reviews and videos.
Offers over 450,000 student reviews of over 7,000 schools.
The National Center for Fair & Open Testing (FairTest) works to end the misuses and flaws of standardized testing and to ensure that evaluation of students, teachers and schools is fair, open, valid and educationally beneficial. They also contain a list of about 850 four-year colleges and universities that do not require the SAT or the ACT for admission.
The official site for the SAT, SAT Subject Tests and AP Exams. Register and receive preparation for standardized tests. Obtain and send score reports to specified colleges and universities.
The official site for the ACT exam includes test dates, registration information score reports and test preparation materials.
Free video library covering over 3,000 educational topics including every math problem in the College Board’s “Official SAT Study Guide”, information for all ages K- 8Th, High School, College and Adults.
The Official Department of Education website that allows financial forms to be completed for federal aid assistance.
(Stanford Loan Program), Provides information on subsidized and unsubsidized loans offered by the federal government to
qualifying families.
Scholarship search tool that matches students to relevant scholarship opportunities.
Free video library covering over 3,000 educational topics including every math problem in the College Board’s “Official SAT Study Guide”, information for all ages K- 8Th, High School, College and Adults.
Provides information and statistics on most schools including institutional specific scholarships that may be available.
Provide comprehensive financial aid details.
Over 750 colleges and universities use this application process to streamline applications and ease the process for students. One main essay can be used for all schools on the Common App.
Over 50 college and universities use this application process.
Official website that provides high school student athletes with all of the tools and information they need in order to begin their college exploration.
Provides high school student athletes with all of the information they need to play college athletics at an NAIA school.
Provides Career Exploration tools for adults and students looking to identify appropriate majors or vocations. Career exploration tools, job analysis questionnaires, employer guides and technical reports.
Resource guide that offers descriptions on many occupations and sample resume and cover letters by industry.
Allows you to create a customized profile that helps to identify appropriate majors to consider future career interests.